#cooptech – chalk and cheese, or crackers and cheese?

Reflection on our group’s work from Tuesday afternoon to Thursday midday >>>

Adam, Derrick, Gabe, Gabrielle, Joaquin, Lesley, Mags, ans Simona – USA, Italy, Ireland and Mexico. We’ve been looking at tech tools for teaching, learning and assessment, and discussing the possibilities of integration them in the cooperative learning class environment. Emphasis on the relationships stuff to trump the tech stuff at all times.

We checked to see if the tech can run alongside the protocols of cooperative group. Are they incompatible as chalk and cheese, or made for each other like cheese and crackers?

Some of the tech tools seem to designed and built more for competition than for collaborative work; some are more suitable for individual use than for paired or group work; and on and on… and so we need to decide how to share ideas on this. To be continued. Online.

Tools examined so far have included lots of Google apps, PearDeck, GoFormative, Prezi, EdPuzzle, Quizlet, Screencastify, GifCam, Wideo.co, Explain Everything, Screencastify, Quizziz, Triventi, Newsela, Birdbrain Science – there were more, but my brain imploded! 

We also discussed the fact that in most schools in the USA, broadband / wifi flows like electricity and air, so they can depend on a chose tech pathway through today’s lesson will not be interrupted. <<<<<Makes me wonder when we in the Olde Worlde will catch up in this regard – better keep our pencils sharpened in the meantime.>>>>>






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