First of all, I finally get to meet, and attend a day seminar presented by,??Shane Martin of Moodwatchers??. So many people recommended him recently. He is as they said – inspiring, funny, sensitive, insightful. If there is a Moodwatchers course near you, get yourself there!??
Second of all, I got to attend some of the inaugural LOB10 (#lob10), the first Learning on the Beach conference at Mulranny beach in Mayo. Even though I had to bale out early, and missed the Explainolympics, the Singalonga-iPod, and especially the beach ecology ramble, I knew I was at something special with special people. For starters John Davitt’s??Learning Event Generator activity has us teaching each other Formation of a Salt Marsh as a theatrical whisper, History of Ireland as drawings in the sand, and How the Tides work as a soap opera. Magic. Roll on LOB11.
Here he continues the story…Bring on the Revolution…
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