It is very appropriate that one of the quotes on the walls of the new “Steam Room” in Lacken NS, is from the Principal Kevin Foley. Twitter teachers all over the world, esp #edchatie folk, will recognise it…
This vision of Kevin’s has been translated into action by teacher Tony Riley, who has worked 24/7, and a really lovely learning space has been tucked in under the roof of the school. It is a space to be used by both students, teachers, and the community for creative learning.
The opening celebration on March 16th was great fun – after the students patiently listened to us adults speechifying for a while, they led the adults upstairs and taught them – government minister, clergy and all; it was a treat to be involved.
And we all made it into the local paper, the Anglo Celt!
For the curious, here’s a dizzy whizz around the room before the crowds arrived:
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